Monday 16 September 2024

DrivenByDrams Arran & Glasgow Tour - Day 3

Day 3 started with the trip back from Ardrossan to Glasgow, but with a little detour.

We went a little out of our way to find the Loch Lomond Warehousing and Bottling facility at Glen Catrine.

This is where Wilma, Pauline, Mo, Kirsty & Tony work their magic and beautiful packaging!

The 'gatehouse' building has some wonderful paintings.

We'd love to have a tour around the facility sometime, I guess it's who you know! Inside looks something like this:

Then it was back to Glasgow to partake of some of our table bottles!

That evening we went into the city to the SMWS on Bath Street, had something to eat, and met up with a few friends.

Photos: John

And raised a beautiful Glen Scotia SMWS 93.212 to Kate who should have been there with us.

Photos: John

Then it was back to bed ready for an exciting day tomorrow at Glasgow Distillery Company and Loch Lomond! Link

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