Scoring Whisky

Back in September 2017 Tom posted a blog about Whisky Scoring and I, probably like many of you, thought "oh here we go again - another 0-10 or 0-100 scale where no whisky score less than 7 or 70", "What's the point? Everyone's palate and taste in whisky is different".

So with your tongue stuck firmly in your cheek, like Tom had, I suggest you read his post:

I use his scoring system on the whiskies I try but don't normally publishing any - there's no point - everyone's palate is different!

This is also the system we use for the Blind tasting Consortium's #BlindDrams - more info here.

Here's a summary!

0 – I would smile graciously if given a bottle of this then promptly deliver it to the local Primary School charity raffle.

1 – I’d drink it if given to me as a gift, but wouldn’t waste my own money on a bottle

2 – At a decent price I’d buy a glass of this, but wouldn’t invest in a whole bottle.

3 – Damn drinkable and if within my price range, I’d happily buy (or have bought) one of these and enjoy it.

4 – I’d be over the moon if given a bottle of this, and would probably drink it fairly quickly.

5 – I’d suck the sweaty toes of a senior brand executive for the opportunity to have a single drop more of this.

I don't normally publish my scores in any reviews but here is the list of those which have scored 5:

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