Monday 16 September 2024

DrivenbyDrams Arran & Glasgow Tour - Day 1

The first day of the DrivenByDrams gang Arran & Glasgow trip had us heading up to Glasgow with a quick stop at @AnnandaleDstlry

As usual I jumped on a train to get me closer to the Motorway network, the Southport trio picking me up at Carnforth.

We'd been looking forward to out annual distillery trip for a while - it takes a lot of planning, but this one was tinged with sadness - our great friend from #BlindDrams Kate Renton had passed away the day before. We were due to meet Callum & Kate on our trip and of course would be visiting places we'd been to with them.

The obligatory 'Welcome To Scotland' sign on the M6

Our first stop was quick visit to the Annandale distillery shop to check out their BYOs.

4/5ths of the DrivenByDrams gang, Mark would meet us in Glasgow.

Unfortunately the BYOs (375ml for £49) were the same casks as when I'd visited the distillery in February but we were able to try a couple of Distillery Exclusives

Purchases were made!

Then it was back on the motorway and on up to Glasgow where we had an appointment with Jamie from Kilninian in his warehouse.

Jamie support the distribution of Turntable & King's Inch - we got to try some new releases.

Jamie also had some new releases coming from his soon to be launched Indie Bottler - we got to try some!

Then it was off for something to eat and a few drams in the Pot Still and Bon Accord with some mates!

Photo: John

Photo: John

Photo: John

Tomorrow we'd be off to Arran! Link

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